Friday, July 29, 2011

Lightsaber Candy Gift

My nephew's birthday was last month.  They did gifts for him a few days before his birthday but we wanted to give him a little something on his actual birthday.  We stopped by with this Candy Lightsaber. 

It was easy to make.  We gathered a few things from around the house and some of our nephew's favorite treats.

I used 2 paper towel rolls and a toilet paper roll. 

Taped them all together.

Then I added the candy.  I surrounded the towel rolls with blue paper and glued them on.  I finished the top just by folding it over and gluing it. Nothing fancy.

 For the handle(where the toilet paper roll was) I wrapped it in duct tape.

I added a red button with some hot glue.  It was a hit and he was even more excited when he found out there were treats inside! This would be great for a party favor too!