Saturday, November 19, 2011

Strawberry Shortcake Party Activities Part 2

Moving on to some more party activities.  Next up we have Blueberry Muffin.  She owns a bookstore in Berry Bitty City so her letter was accompanied by a book that I read to all the girls at the party.  It was a perfect book because it talked about all the characters from Strawberry Shortcake and what they did in Berry Bitty City.  That way the girls that were unaccustomed to the characters could know what was going on.

When the girls first arrived at the party they each picked one of these marshmallow poppers to decorate and color while we waited for everyone to get there.  The poppers were used in an activity that came with the letter from Lemon Meringue. 

I had seen marshmallow poppers made with paper cups but when we tried them out, they just weren't strong enough and broke pretty easily.  Instead I took a sturdy wrapping paper roll and cut it in pieces.  I glued some cardstock onto the tubes so they could be decorated and hot glued the cut balloons onto the bottom.  They were definitely sturdy and are still going strong.  They work really well too.  The girls tried to shoot the marshmallows into some Strawberry Shortcake decorations that had big openings in them. 

The next activity was the hit of the party.  The letter came from Plum Pudding who loves to dance.  We did a hula hoop game that was basically the opposite of musical chairs.  I had 6 hula hoops (which I made out of leftover funny pipe for sprinklers) that were scattered around the room.  The music would start and everyone would dance.  When the music stopped, everyone had to get inside a hula hoop.  After each time I would take a hula hoop away.  Pretty soon the kids were all squeezing in to one hula hoop.  It was so fun to watch the kids dance like crazy!!

Next up, 3 more activities to go...


  1. That is a fun dancing game. And makinf hoops out of let over piping is so great. I need to save this idea because my little girls love to dance and everyone gets to play the whole time. I am enjoying all the fun party ideas.

  2. can you write that story on your blog?? i want to read
