Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Strawberry Shortcake Party Dessert Table

You know how people say that their eyes are bigger than their stomach? Well my brain is bigger than my hands.  I always have a ton of ideas that I want to do but inevitably some have to get the boot.  So I decided to preempt the dissapointment that brings by taking it easy on the dessert table.  How I wished I could have made delicious cupcakes from scratch that were fancy smancy but I knew it wouldn't happen.  Instead I used 3 different cake mixes and divided them between mini and regular cupcake tins.  I did vanilla, chocolate and strawberry (which I didn't really like but the kids were ok with it).  The frosting was a homemade buttercream which I colored with each of the colors from the Strawberry Shortcake characters.  The funnest part were the treats on top of each one.

Mini Cupcakes for Blueberry Muffin.  Blue frosting with blue poprocks on them.  These were super cool looking at first and then the poprocks started popping.  You could actually hear them on the cupcakes.  After that they kind of melted to look like the picture above.  They were still really tasty though. 

Chocolate Cupcakes with pink frosting and pink watermelon rings for Raspberry Torte. 

Vanilla Cupcakes with purple frosting and grape chewy treats for Plum Pudding.  You can stop snickering at my piping skills...I almost fully blaming my too small tip size and only partially blaming my lack of skills.   Behind the purple cupcakes are the mini strawberry cupcakes with reddish pink frosting and pink sprinkles for Strawberry Shortcake.

Strawberry Cupcakes with yellow frosting and yellow sixlets for Lemon Meringue.

Chocolate Cupcakes with orange frosting and candy orange slices for Orange Blossom.

The special cupcake for the birthday girl.


  1. I think they look delicious. My cupcakes always look like my four year old decorated them. :)

  2. Super cute, I think you did a great job!
