Friday, November 4, 2011

Thanksgiving Shelf

I think this may be a record for me.  It is still the first week in November and I already have my Thanksgiving shelf up.  It helps that this mantel/shelf is super simple but hey, that is how I like it. Plus I have Christmas on the mind so if I didn't get it done soon then it would probably go by the wayside.  I may also admit that I have been listening to Christmas music since September. 

I wanted the frame to have a simple message inside it.  I cut out the Thankful with my silhouette and just glued it on. The leaf if real and was decoupaged on.  We will see how long it lasts.  So far it is holding up strong after 1 week.

The jars are simply filled with nuts.  I think they have walnuts inside them. 

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  1. This mantle is the simple kind of gorgeous I love. Amazing job.

  2. I love your mantle! It's simple and beautiful. I found you through TT&J. Thanks for sharing!

  3. Love this! Visiting from TT&J.

    So simple, yet makes such a statement!

  4. You have such great simple mantle ideas. I love the maple leaf!
    -The nuts are pecans :)
