Thursday, December 1, 2011

On The First Day Of Christmas...1 Snowman Kit

I love doing the 12 days of Christmas.  In the past I have done it for my husband but this year we decided to do it for our two little girls.  I did not want it to be expensive which it can easily become, so I decided that it would be almost totally handmade and low key. We are kicking of the 12 days with day number 1...

1 Snowman Kit

This kit consists of a top hat that was made from an old dress-up hat that we had.  It used to have plastic Mickey Mouse ears on it.  I dressed it up with some felt strips and a felt flower.  The eyes and buttons are made of big black buttons.  I cut off the backs of the buttons and hot glued some cut pieces of a wooden dowel to them.  I painted the wood black and put some Mod Podge on it to hopefully seal it.  The carrot nose is made from Sculpey clay and also has a wooden dowel in it.   The mouth pieces are made of small wooden dowel caps  that I glued on to the dowels with wood glue then painted them black and sealed them.  I also made a quick scarf out of a piece of fleece and simply cut the ends.  

I have tried doing most of the 12 days in secret but some of the time the girls would catch me doing something.  They saw me making the carrot and are sure that we are giving them a carrot garden...hehe. I think they will be surprised to see what the carrot is used for.

If you are interested in making a snowman kit, you could also check out this kit and this kit from which I drew some inspiration from.

Stay tuned tomorrow for day number 2...

1 comment:

  1. This is so cute - such a great idea! I love that you use what you already have around!
