Monday, December 12, 2011

On the Twelfth Day of Christmas... 12 Minutes to a Light Show

Our last day of the 12 days of Christmas isn't homemade.  We decided to do a family activity instead.  A 12 minute drive to a light show.  If you don't have a light show 12 minutes away, you could do 12 treats for the ride.  It has been really fun doing the 12 days of Christmas for the girls.  I loved their excitement when they woke up and couldn't wait to open their present.

To recap, the most used present so far has been the rice warmer bags.  My youngest daughter's favorite present was probably the paper doll kit.  My oldest wears the bow headband practically daily.  I am still waiting for some snow so that we can use our snowman kit and secretly wishing that I had a full size freezer full of Oreo truffles so that I could eat at least 3 after every meal.  And there you have it. The 12 days of Christmas.


  1. Oreo truffles = dan-ga. Those things are killer and I would give my left eye for one. astigmatism and all. (spell check on that).

  2. What a great series Lisa. So much fun!
