Saturday, February 18, 2012

Ballerina Birthday Party Part 3: Take Home Bags

This is the table that had the take-home bags.  I really love the picture frame with the black and white photos of the birthday girl. 

 I tried to keep it simple with the take home bags this time around.  The bags were folded over and tied with a little ballerina tag.  I used grey yarn to tie it all up.

Each bag had a ballerina paper doll kit and a CD of kids instrumental ballet music. 

The paper dolls from Christmas were such a hit especially with my youngest daughter (the birthday girl).  I had to tweek them a bit so that I could make them into ballerinas.

I picked the things from the Christmas paper doll kit that were most used and liked.  My girls didn't really use the feathers or the popsicle sticks so I just did sequins, ballerina tutu's, hair in a bun, gluesticks and ballerina bodies.

The CD has instrumental kids music.  Mostly piano renditions of kids songs like itsy bitsy spider and so forth.

The last thing they took home was the pinwheel boxes that were on the dessert table. Each were filled with pink candies.


  1. Those are cute little gift bags, I know my 4 year old would have been thrilled to get a baggie like this.

  2. These are amazing, as it the whole birthday party!! How fun!

    Thanks so much for joining us in the Blog Hop! It's great to "meet you!"

  3. Lisa,
    Found you through the blog hop and oh. my. word. This party is GORGEOUS! I'm so inspired! Excuse me while I go pin most of these pictures onto my Pinterest boards for someday when I have a little girl. :)


  4. I am following your blog with GFC
    now follow back me with GFC too

    I am also hosting a biggest giveaway ever
    " 3 Rimmel London Goodie Bags Worth 400 AED (100 US $)"
    3 Winner will be choosen

  5. great goodie bags!! Every kid would love!
    I am your newest follower..pls follow back if you can.

  6. stooopp this is literally the cutest thing ever. ADORE.
