Tuesday, June 28, 2011

4th of July Outfits

I came across a red checkered pillowcase with a ruffled bottom when I was thrift shopping awhile ago.  $1.00 price tag.  It looked like it was for an XL pillow.  I started conceiving Fourth of July outfits out of it.  Then I came across a blue checkered pillowcase with a ruffled bottom.  Price tag - $1.00.

  It was meant to be.  I decided on a skirt and shirt outfit instead of a dress. Warning...picture overload approaching!

 I did the skirts with a simple covered elastic waistband.  The shirts were fun because I got to try a new technique on them -shirring.  I checked out this tutorial to aid in my learning and it was really easy.

All in all the girls love them and we are ready to celebrate Independence day!

36th Avenue


  1. Too Cute!! I love how the dress are matching but the colors are different! And the material for only $1.00...what a find!!

  2. Love them--I think I need one in my size!

  3. How beautiful! You got THAT much fabric out of just pillowcases?! Wow! They look fantastic!

  4. cute outfits, so where did you find the tutorial to do the shirring? I've been wanting to learn how to do this.

  5. Merlynn: I am so glad you pointed out that I didn't put the link to the tutorial in! It is in now. Thanks!


  6. I love the pictures! You this such a wonderful job!

  7. Love thrifted pillowcases!!! And the outfits are simply darling!

  8. I'm back... I'd love for you to share the dresses at my link party.
    Now I'm done ;)

  9. I just want to let you know that I am featuring your dresses at my blog tomorrow. Thank you so much for sharing them at the link party.

  10. Very cute outfits! Your pictures are always so fabulous, they make me want to step back into time just a little bit :)

  11. Thanks for leaving a comment on my blog so that I could find yours! Love your projects... especially these pillowcase dresses.
