If you are planning a trip to Disneyland or another Disney location, and have looked around for a countdown chain idea, chances are you have seen this one on Get Away Today. I saw it and loved how fun it was. I decided to make it for my kids. This will be easy, right? Paper chain, learned that in kindergarten. That is when I really looked at it and wondered how they attached the ears to the Mickey chain. Different ideas poped into mind until I decided that I would just make my own Mickey Ears Template. I turned to my Cameo and came up with this.
It worked perfectly. Now I was ready to get started. First I gathered supplies and cut up my paper strips.
You will need black paper to cut out the Mickey Ears Template, 1.5 x8.5 inch red strips of paper, 1 x 8.5 inch yellow, 1.5 x 8.5 inch white strips of paper, White paper circles (mine were just under .5 inches each), glue for the circles and a stapler. Assembly time!
Cut out your Mickey Pieces and flip the ears up. Glue on the white dots to the red strips. Start stapeling your chain pieces together. You want to go in this order so that it looks like Mickey Mouse: black ears, red chain, yellow chain, white chain. Repeat. You can choose to have Mickey's ears facing the back or facing the front. Just make sure you do them all the same. When I first saw this, I didn't realize that it was supposed to look like Mickey. Look how cute it is! The black are his ears (obviously), the red his shorts, yellow his shoes, and a white chain to separate them. Am I the only one who caught on to that late?
Keep assembling your chain until you have the number of days left until your family goes to Disneyland or Disney World or wherever you are going!
I don't have the template up for download yet but if you want it, just email me or leave a comment and specify if you want the .pdf or the .studio file.
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This is so stinkin' cute! I'll be featuring this on my blog a little later today. Hope you stop by and grab a featured button :)
I did something very similar here: http://takingtimetocreate.blogspot.com/2012/09/disneyland-countdown.html
ReplyDeleteI love your version!
I just love this! Please send me the .pdf template for the ears! Thanks so much!
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeletePlease send me the .pdf at ksuvetwife@gmail.com. Thanks!
ReplyDeletei would love a .pdf file at annafarmer.30@gmail.com. Thanks!!
ReplyDeleteI helped co-host Ginger's link party, and am featuring your post today! Be sure to stop by :)
Carolee- Send me your email address so that I can get you the .pdf file. greyluster@gmail.com . Thanks!
ReplyDeleteIll make these next time we go to Disneyland!
ReplyDeleteI discovered your blog not too long ago and I wanted to give you an award for it. This award is a fun way to know and connect with other blogs. Check it out here --> http://creativecatart.blogspot.co.uk/2013/04/liebster-award-for-creative-cat.html All the best! Helen xx
i would love a .pdf file at dopeyfordisneyworld@yahoo.com please! Thank you for sharing this!
ReplyDeleteThis is too cute and glad I found this just in time. I'm throwing a Mickey Mouse party this year for my boys. I would love the silhouette studio file please. Thank you so much!
ReplyDelete(from previous post)...guess you would need my e-mail to send it to me :)
This is too cute and glad I found this just in time. I'm throwing a Mickey Mouse party this year for my boys. I would love the silhouette studio file please. Thank you so much!
ReplyDeleteBest Disneyland idea ever. May I have a .pdf file please? maria.omara@gmail.com
ReplyDeleteThank you!
I love this. Can you email me the download? tifftennis @ gmail dot com
ReplyDeleteI would love the template in pdf. Pretty please. It would be a perfect way to count down to our Disney cruise. pigs4tm@yahoo.com
ReplyDeleteHi! I would love the template in pdf... my kids will go crazy! Pls email at alexryan428@gmail.com
ReplyDeleteHi I would love the template, I do have a cameo but if pdf is easier that would be great. Thanks for offering it.
ReplyDeleteWe're headed to DL in 20 days with our 2 year old and extended family {group of 20}!
ReplyDeleteWould love the template in pdf!
Hi! I loved the chain and hope to make one counting down to when I leave for the Disney College Program. I couldn't figure how to do the Mickey heads until I saw your comment from the main website. If you wouldn't mind sending me the template, it'd be a great help ^_^
I would love the .pdf template! cfmyers4@gmail.com. My kids will LOVE doing this! Thanks.
ReplyDeleteAbsolutely, perfectly adorable! I would love the .pdf file pretty please!
Thanks for sharing and thank you so much for your time!
Absolutely, perfectly adorable! I would love the .pdf file pretty please!
Thanks for sharing and thank you so much for your time!
This is a great idea! Thank you for sharing! I too would love the .pdf file please!
ReplyDeleteThanks so much!
Can I please have the pdf file . Email is lilcoconut2906@gmail.com
ReplyDeleteSo cute! I'd love the pdf file too! kristid.white@gmail.com THANKS!
ReplyDeleteI would really appreciate the pdf as well. Great idea to use as decoration for my son's birthday! moni2momi@yahoo.com
ReplyDeleteI would love the pdf..mores.tracy@gmail.com
ReplyDeleteWhat a cute cute idea! I would love to use the pdf please! You are the best!
Heading to disney next month--love this!! Please will you send PDF to rhondahunter@graceba.net
ReplyDeleteHow cute. Thanks for sharing. Please send pdf to norm_mcgin@hotmail.com
ReplyDeleteThis is so cute... Please send me the pdf to lauritav17@hotmail.com
ReplyDeleteThank you very much!
Aw so cuteeee i love it, please send me the pdf to arie.annisa@hotmail.com thankyou><
ReplyDeletePlease send the ear template to kelleenb@comcast.net. This idea is so fun! We're going to Disneyland for the first time! Thanks.
ReplyDeletePlease send the ear template to kelleenb@comcast.net. This idea is so fun! We're going to Disneyland for the first time! Thanks.
ReplyDeletecan you please send me the pdf for the mickey ears to dmvanberk@mac.com
ReplyDeleteOur family is going to Disneyland in exactly 1 month. This would be a great countdown. Please email me the pdf jn.fuentes@hotmail.com. Thanks!!!
ReplyDeleteOur family is going to Disneyland in exactly 1 month. This would be a great countdown. Please email me the pdf jn.fuentes@hotmail.com. Thanks!!!
ReplyDeleteI'd love to get the .pdf for the ears template!
ReplyDeleteI love this! I'm taking Grandkids at the end of May and would love to get on this pronto! Could you please email me the template at punky1124@gmail.com? Thank you so much!
ReplyDeleteI would love to receive a template for this countdown. We are headed to Disneyland in a couple of weeks and my kids would love this! kristen.sasaki@gmail.com Thank you in advance!
ReplyDeletecould I please have a pdf template of this, it is so cute :) lrossi5@gmail.com
ReplyDeleteThis is great. Could I please get a template? ramcad@bigpond.com.au
ReplyDeleteSo cute! Can you still send out the template on pdf?