Thursday, March 22, 2012

Ballerina Birthday Party Part 4: Activities and Decorations

So this is the last ballerina birthday post but it has been a long time coming! Hopefully I can remember all the details! So we started out by getting dressed in our ballerina attire.

They each got their picture taken in front of this pink ombre circle backdrop.

I made it using circles in shades of pink taped onto fishing wire.  They were hung in front of a pink curtain which was on a pvc picture backdrop.

I have two pvc backdrops and I used one of them to make a ballet bar.  The girls could play around on it while everyone was getting ballet ready.

From there we went into the balloon room.  We filled up a room with balloons.  Man it took a lot of balloons.  I figured four bags of balloons would do it.  Wrong. I bought five more bags.  Still not enough.  Two more bags of large balloons finally did it.  I made a ballerina print bean bag and the kids took turns hiding it in the balloons and then runny like crazy little kids into the balloons to find it.

After the balloons we had our main attraction come... a real ballerina.  I had a girl from my neighborhood that has been in ballet since she was a little girl come and teach the girls some ballet moves.  She was amazing.  They started out doing some stretching.  Then the real ballerina taught the girls some basic moves.  Then she put those moves together into a little routine that the girls all did.  It was perfect!  I couldn't believe how captivated all the girls were.

Before the presents were opened, each girl made a ribbon wand.  I spray painted some dowels silver and cut some grey and pink ribbon.  The girls picked the ribbons they wanted and glued them on the wands with glue dots.

A few more decorations...

1 comment:

  1. Such a great idea!! I'm sure your daughter was in heaven!! I am a follower of your blog but havent had a chance to visit lately--so glad I did!!
